Vice director in Onassis Cardiac-Surgery Center, Athens, Greece, cardiac patients’ clinical evaluation -treatment and , -Surgery Center, Athens, Greece, cardiac patients’ clinical evaluation -treatment and routine- research cardiac MRI
Onassis Cardiac-Surgery Center, Greece

Current Position: Cardiologist, Vice-director in Onassis Cardiac-Surgery Center, Athens, Greece. In charge of cardiac patients’ clinical evaluation -treatment and routine- research cardiac MRI scans. Visiting professor of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. ? Responsible for research cardiovascular MRI scans in Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center (a leading tertiary center in Athens), which is the only Greek center with active CMR research and publications. ? Routine scans include Cases with congenital heart disease (referred by cardiac surgeons). ARVD (referred by the cardiologists). Thalassemic patients (referred by hematologists for iron overload estimation). Duchenne and Becker myopathy cases (referred by neurologists for pre-symptomatic cardiac involvement evaluation). Patients with coronary aneurysm or ectasia and with Kawasaki syndrome (for coronary MRA). Vasculitis in rheumatic disease. Cardiac evaluation in different types of Rheumatic diseases (special interest in scleroderma). Myocarditis (infective, autoimmune, transplant rejection). ? Currently, our center has been included in the International Registry of Myocarditis, together with other International centers (Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Berlin, etc). ? Scientific advisor in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance of Paediatric Clinic of Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece ? 1st President of the Greek CMR WG (1999-2002) ? Secretary to the Nucleus of the European Society of Cardiology CMR WG (2002) ? ESC CMR WG Nucleus Member (elected, 2004-2008) ? SCMR sessions organizing committee (2009-2010) ? Nominated by SCMR as non-USA CARDIOLOGIST (2010) ? Elected President of Women in CMR (Women working group of the International Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance) 2017   

Research Interest

MRI Unit

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