Heart Murmurs and Sounds

Heart Murmurs and Sounds

Heart murmurs may be present at birth (congenital) or may develop later (acquired). Some heart murmurs are harmless (harmless). A harmless heart murmur is not a sign of heart disease and does not require treatment. Other heart murmurs can be signs of serious heart disease. Tests to examine the heart and heart valves are needed. Treatment of heart murmurs depends on the cause. Harmless (innocent) heart murmurs usually do not cause other symptoms. The symptoms of heart murmurs that are worrisome depend on the cause. Heart murmurs are caused by rapid, choppy (turbulent) blood flow through the heart. People with innocent heart murmurs usually have typical hearts. Innocent heart murmurs are common in newborns and children. Innocent heart murmurs may disappear over time. Heart murmurs can last a lifetime without causing serious health problems. Annoying murmurs in children are usually due to problems with the structure of the heart that is present at birth (congenital heart defects). In adults, disturbing heart murmurs are usually caused by acquired heart valve disease (acquired heart valve disease). There are no known ways to prevent heart murmurs. However, a healthy lifestyle can improve heart health and prevent some disorders related to heart murmurs in adults.

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