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Cardiology is thesurgical field that serves the study and activity of cardiac muscle andcirculatory systems. This field includes heart failure,valvular coronary disease, congenital cardio defects, atrial fibrillation, andventricular tachycardia.Physicians who treat for the Cardiological disorder are said to be Cardiologists.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

The heart isa muscular organ localized in the mediastinum.By function, the heart is divided into four chambers. Two upper chambers areknown as the right and left atriumand two lower chambers are known as the right and left ventricles. The right heartacquires blood coming from the body through the superior and the inferior venacava. It pumps back blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery and theleft heart receives saturated blood from the lungs.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

The circulatory system alsoreferred to as the cardiovascularsystem or the vascular system, is an organ system that allows bloodto circulate and carry the nutrients (like amino acids and electrolytes),oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in thebody to provide immunity and nourishment and help in fighting diseases,stabilize temperature and pH, and prevent homeostasis.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

HeartDisorders describe a range of heart-related conditions. Cardiac disordersinclude diseases of the blood vessels, such as coronaryartery disorders; heartrhythm issues (arrhythmias); and heart defects with which you were born (congenitalheart defects),among others. This usually refers to conditions involvingnarrowed or blocked blood vessels which may result in heart failure, chest pain(angina), or stroke.

Certain diseases of the heart,such as those affecting the muscle, valves, or rhythm of your heart, are alsoconsidered types of heart disease. It is possible to prevent or treat heartdiseases at an early stage and also with healthy lifestyle choices.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

An Arrhythmiais also referred to as cardiac arrhythmia or heart arrhythmia is defined asirregular heartbeator heart sound. It is a condition where the heart beats too quickly or tooslowly. If the heart rate is too fast i.e. 100 beats per minute in an adult isknown as tachycardia, and a heart rateis too slow i.e. below 60 beats per minute that are known as bradycardia.Some kind of arrhythmia does not have any symptoms. Most of the arrhythmiacases are not serious, but in some conditions may cause sudden death. It alsoleads to cardiac arrest.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

When the bloodpressure is high is commonly referred to as hypertension.The reason for the cause of hypertension is mainly the age factor but in themodern era, it affects too early for so many factors. Hypertensioncan develop for so many years but it does exhibit any causes. We categorizehypertension either as primary or secondary. Primary hypertension is due to genetic reasonsand does not have any particular reasons. The second condition may have severalconditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, obesity, alcohol use, illegal drugs,etc.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

The field of medicine involved inthe surgicaltreatment of organs within the thorax cavity, lungs, heart, and oesophagusis said to be cardiothoracicsurgery. Highly advanced machines are operated externally by the surgeon forcardiothoracic surgery. These modern machines can operate through minuteincisions and also shortens the recovery time of the patients.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Interventionalsurgery is a subdivision of cardiologythat uses many imaging techniques and various diagnostic tools. It focuses onthe catheter-based instrument (invasive) for the management of cardiacdiseases. New studies and strategies such as the use of stents withbiodegradable vascularplatforms are a reality and can envision treatments that will restore anartery to a healthy condition with its vasomotor preserved without devicepresence.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Preventivecardiology directs the course of action to cardiovasculardiseases and also the preventive measures to be taken and the medicine tointake. The main objective of this system is to decrease the risk factor and toforbid the worse conditions. Prevention is always preferable to medication.There are many conditions to keep back the disease such as regular exercise, ahealthy diet, avoid alcohol, enough sleep, and manage stress.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Cardio-oncologyis the emerging sector of monitoring, preventing, and treating cardiovasculardamage caused by cancer treatments such as chemotherapyand radiation therapy. It is important to check the patients periodically underthe treatment particularly for the patients who intake anthracyclinesand trastuzumab. The management of cardiovascularrisk factors and periodic diagnosing with cardiacimaging and biomarkers should be taken into account in high-risk survivors.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |Heart DiseaseConference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Rheumaticheart disease is the destruction of the heartvalves and heart due to rheumatic fever. This damage can also affect themitral valve or the aortic valveand create holes to leak and also it becomes narrow. Rheumaticfever occurs as a result of a rare strain of strep bacterial infection thatisn’t treated or is inadequately treated with antibiotics. The maincomplications of rheumaticdiseases include bacterial endocarditis, rupture heartvalve, pregnancy delivery complications.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Non-invasiveimaging techniques generally don't have any surgery to remove tissues,needles, fluids that have to be inserted into the body. The non-invasiveimaging process focuses to establish the risk of individuals developing heartdisease in the future and also preventing major cardiovascular diseases such asmyocardialinfarctionstroke.The intensity of the reflected ultrasound image is indicated by gray scale;fluid or blood appears black, and highly reflective structures, such ascalcifications on cardiac valves or the pericardium, appear white. Tissues suchas myocardiumappear grayer, and tissues such as muscle display a unique interferencepattern.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Now a day’s one in three womenliving with the serious cause of cardiovascularproblems. Though 80% of problem CVD’s can be prevented when it is diagnosedearlier. Women have thinner valves and smaller coronaryarteries than women. Women diagnosed with diabetesprobably having the chance to have cardiovasculardiseases when compared to the men having diabetes. Risk factor such assmoke, diabetes, alcoholconsumption leads to death.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

The studies on nuclearcardiology are always performed using the conventional gammacamera with a sodium iodide detector and single-photon emission computedtomography (SPECT). A nuclear cardiogramuses the non-invasive technique to evaluate the pumping action of the heart andalso to know the location and range of the heart attack,and assess the myocardialblood flow. Among the techniques, the myocardial perfusion imagingtechnique is widely used. Nuclearcardiology studies are ceaseless to expand an important role in the newmillennium, in the non-invasive diagnosis of coronary artery disease,the assessment of the pumping function of the heart, and in the prediction ofoutcomes in patients with heartdisease.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Wolff-Parkinson-White(WPW) thesyndrome is an extra pathway in between the upper and lower part of the heartwhich causes a sudden heartbeat.This condition may be present at birth, but it almost rare. Even babies canhave the WFW symptoms which may lead to arrhythmia.Treatment may involve the use of medication and this is known as ablation.Sometimes, an electric shock may be used to normalize the heartbeat.Common symptoms of WFW syndrome are anxiety, fatigue, chest pain, difficulty inbreathing.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

heart attackor stroke is very dangerous for people affected by the HIV virus more thannormal people. HIV-related cardiovascular disease is about 2.6 million yearsand people lost their healthy lives. Anti-retroviraltherapy is a treatment that uses a combination of medications to reduceHIV-related infections. Johns Hopkins researchers found that men with long-termHIV infections are at great risk than uninfected men of the increasing plate intheir coronaryarteries, no matter other risk factors for coronary arterydisease.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

ECG isan easy and non-invasive diagnostic method to record the electrical signal ofyour heart.Electrodes are placed in your chest to know the abnormalities of the heart.The machine that records the signal is known as an electrocardiograph.The echocardiogram method uses sound waves to produce detailed images of theheart also shows the heart rate and pumps the blood. Cardiacmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)uses the magnetic field and computer-generated radio waves to observe detailedimages of the heart.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations&Societies: Nigerian Heart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

Cardiologycase reports are analysis, Open Access journal that publishes case reports andcase series related to hypertension,arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, cardiovasculardisease, congenital heart disease, and cardiomyopathy.Cardiologyreports on recent cases provide the various significant details as theassemblage to all cardiologists.Medical reports and studies provide valuable information for doctors,graduates, and paramedics members. The rare medical records and diseases thathave been found by the new testing techniques are improved.

Related: Cardiology Summit | Cardiology Conference|Cardio Congress |HeartDisease Conference |Heart Conference |HypertensionConference | Cardiologywebinar |CardiologyConference | Heart Congress

Related Associations &Societies: NigerianHeart Foundation |American Society for Echocardiography|Singapore Cardiac Society |American Society for Preventive Cardiology |American HeartAssociation| American Society for Preventive Cardiology| AmericanSociety for Echocardiography| National HeartFoundation of Australia

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